Image of Rob Blain

About Me

I am a designer, coder, roboticist, and maker of interactive experiences. Formally trained as a designer, I combine my love of technology in my work and aim to discover how web technologies can be utilized to enhance interactive design. I am Full Time Faculty at the School of Media Studies & Information Technology at Humber College where I am the program coordinator of the Multimedia Design & Development program. I am also an Associate Member of the Yeates School of Graduate Studies at Ryerson University.

Over the past fifteen years, I have been involved with digital media as a student, designer, business owner and teacher. My unique background has shaped my skills in the digital realm. My earliest work focused on a broadcast method to distribute content. As my work got more complex, I became interested in how and if web technologies could be integrated into digital media. What started as very simple projects where video was mixed with live content has grew into the creation of self sustaining micro-networks where user generated content becomes the content. They were fed by interactions from the user.

Image of Anubis IV robot completing an obstacle course.
Image of Anubis IV During a test run on a robot obstacle course.

During my Master of Digital Media at Ryerson University, I became involved with robotics. I used my experience building real-time interactive experiences to build robots that opereated in real-time using web technologies. For my thesis, I became involved with the el-Hibeh project. I worked with archeologists with Ryerson and Berkely to build a robot to explore looter tunnels in el-Hibeh, Egypt.

Exploded view of Anubis IV
Exploded view of Anubis IV. The Body is made of 43 individual pieces. This was the 4th iteration of the robot.

I continue to combine digital and physical experiences. I am currently exploring how our interactive experiences are controlled by the input. I have been building Retro Pi's and custom joysticks. My goal is to then make apply this knowledge to multidisciplinary projects.